Monday, March 07, 2005

First Blog

Now that I'm striking my keyboard keys for this 'first blog' (a milestone, mind you), I don't really know what to say. (This does not really go well with the Blog title GigSpeaks...redeem yourself)
Let me just say that what inspired me to create my own blogspot here were the many blogspots I came across with while surfing the Internet, in addition to my friend & officemate Gail's own page. Gail shared a few of her posts with me and I had fun reading them. I find it both enlightening and fun reading other people's thoughts on certain things and events in their personal lives or even on life as a whole.
I used to call myself a 'frustrated' writer so I guess this blog changes things for me...So now I know why I couldn't get any words out earlier--I was just too excited to start this new 'change'...
Too excited that I already 'marketed' this page to some people even before I got this 'First Blog' published. Who knows, I might even inspire other people to create their own blogspot--and finally delete the term 'frustrated' and become 'the writer', just as I have. Just now.


Blogger jory said...


Monday, March 07, 2005 4:51:00 PM  
Blogger Markus Ezekiel Caidoy said...

welcome to the BLOG world...we all have a writer inside us...

Monday, March 07, 2005 5:26:00 PM  

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