Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ritmo Caliente

I don't speak Spanish. I just wanted to share what Ritmo Caliente represents. It is the core group that danced salsa at Cafe Havana Malate monthly in 2004. Ritmo Caliente (translated as Hot Rhythm) is how we see salsa and it is also the reason we feel all the emotions that it evokes in us. Salsa dancing brings out the excitement, creativity and enjoyment we so want to share with others. It's just so infectious!

Latin music always had a place in my heart but not the way salsa has affected me--thanks to Sir Francis! He was our salsa trainor, making sure we not only perform but also learn and love the music as well. For it is only in internalizing salsa that we can truly give justice to its name. Just the first measure of the music is enough to make us let go and let our passions rule.

Presenting, the salsa club members led by Sir Francis: Jory, Freda, Gail, Giggle, Monchie and Vernie. These people worked their way to achieve a considerable amount of knowledge and skill in salsa dancing. No matter how hectic each one's schedule was, they always made the best effort to be there every session.

Basic steps, advanced steps, combinations and partnering are but a few of the things we learned in the few months that we got together bi-weekly. Not only did we learn and perform new steps but we also had a non-stop dancing session which we adapted for physical fitness, exercise, toning, slimming and stress-relief. Indeed, salsa dancing has served such purposes in our lives. It has encouraged us to live a healthy lifestyle, too. This is something that has had an impact in all of the group's members. In addition, it has brought unique and dynamic individuals together who bonded in a special way that extended outside of the salsa dancing scene.

Whenever we miss the dancing, we just turn up our salsa music (which moved me to write about this) and wish we could go back to those days. The sessions have currently stopped, yet there is no denying that the passion is still there and can be seen in each one's eyes. Only waiting for the right time-- the time to rekindle the fire. Now when will this be, salseros y salseras? Make it soon.


Blogger Markus Ezekiel Caidoy said...

I miss our salsa sessions too. Sir Francis left, Freda's next...

will we be able to dance to the salsa beat again? I hope...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:15:00 AM  

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