Thursday, March 10, 2005

Life Decisions

Working in the same company for a few years sometimes makes you reminisce the fun and good ol' days when there was much work to do but you can still find time to go out for a gimik at least once a week. Every payday, you could hardly see a soul in the area during lunch break as small groups would dine out. Almost everybody were content with their bonuses. There was always a less-tensed atmosphere within the four walls of the office.

Back when I started at work, many were fresh graduates like I was then. These were the days when I used to call other employees as "Ate" (now I am called "Ate"). Most of us then were very young professionals just out there enjoying the fruits of our labor. Only a few were already married with children. Life seemed so simple then. Life's pace was quite slow compared to the present.

At some point, I would hear about somebody tying the knot, getting pregnant or giving birth. Sometimes I'd hear about new relationships starting and somebody having her first boyfriend. Not all of these life matters were happy ones, though. Some went through heartbreaks or mourning when a loved one passed away. Or someone trying to conceive her first baby for the longest time. But when she does, everybody seems to rejoice with her--with matching food to celebrate the wonderful and most-awaited event! There was always ice cream or cake during birthdays. One way or another, you got an idea of what was happening to somebody and how their lives were changing. There were times, though, that you just knew of it after it has happened. Like one time, we were wondering where one of our co-workers was, as it has been a while since we last saw her. Another colleague confirmed that she resigned. Seeing or hearing about the changes in the lives of my colleagues gives me a bittersweet feeling. It suddenly dawns on me that nothing is really constant except "change" as described in Jose Mari Chan's song, Constant Change.

Some of these happenings are out of our control. They just happen in our lives and our only resort is to accept them. However, most of the changes in our lives are brought about by our life desicions. We don't really consciously think about it as making desicions are already a daily task. We make choices in a lot of our daily activities. What should I eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner? What should I wear to work? Where will I spend my Sunday afternoon? When will I buy a new pair of pants? Who will I invite to my party? Should I study or watch T.V.? How much am I willing to spend on a lovely dress? So many choices, so many desicions to make. Whatever we decide on, that's where life takes us.

Lately, a lot of my officemates (and college friends, too) decided on settling down. Every year there is always a wedding invitation received (or just seen held by someone). Others chose to travel abroad for the experience or just within the Philippines for some adventure. Some felt they needed a new work environment. As everyone and everything changes around me, the focus comes back to me. Now, what will be my next life desicion? I think it will be this ~~>
I choose to be happy today. :-)


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