Friday, March 11, 2005


Funny how a simple melody or line in a song could bring back some memories. Mostly sad ones. Today I thought of my mother and father who have passed away already. Remembering them now I realized, I miss their company but I am also contented to know that they are, at last, free from sickness and other problems that come with old age.

Sometimes I think I don't want to grow too old to take care of myself or my family. Especially if growing old means having a lot of diseases and sickness when you are already too weak to fight them. They are like the vultures that feed on you when you are already wounded.

Yet if we really think about it, as early as now, we should be looking at our family's medical history, current lifestyle especially the food that we eat, and the environment. From all these we can see which gives us the greatest risk of getting diseases. Medical history, though, cannot be changed. We can only learn from it and accept that we are at risk of the same diseases our relatives had. Our lifestyle dictates the way we live and what we eat. This is a controllable factor. Knowing what is good and bad for our health is key in determining which habits and food we should retain or exclude from our lifestyle. It's as easy as pinpointing a target. Example: Exercise is good; smoking and drugs are bad (no offense meant).

In short, we have a choice in whatever we eat or do. Sometimes, it's all in the mind. If we choose (and stand by our choice) which one is good or bad for our health, we are already taking the first big step. The environment is the next factor to consider. Pollution cannot be avoided as we live in the city. But vacations can give us a "breather" (literally, too). Also, we are prone to be influenced by the company we keep. However, one can say "No" and still keep one's friends at the same time. If they're real friends, they would understand. In fact, they may even join 'your bandwagon'. Another factor is stress. It's like a thief in the night-- you don't know it was or is still there. Knowing how to identify your stressors would be of great help in avoiding, minimizing or totally eliminating it.

Taking control of your life is hard. Taking charge would be a better description. You cannot control all the things that happen to you but you can take charge of dealing with whatever comes and with how you live your life. In short: Leave the bad. Take the good.


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