Thursday, March 17, 2005

Weekend Rush

I'm signing in today just so my friends would have something to read when they don't have anything else to do and still think my blog is updated.

I don't really have anything to say right now except that despite so much work to do-- what with all the output details needing to be logged in a shared file, weekly reports to be submitted and queries to be resolved, which ironically doubled in number at a time when I needed to finish other important matters--I could still squeeze some time to write an entry here.

This Friday, I'll be attending an overnight party with some of my officemates to make time for our "bonding". The theme is just like always-- eat, drink and be merry! The day after that, I'll be attending a free cooking demo at a friend's company. Although I already know how to cook the desserts mentioned in the invitation, I still want to see how others do it so I can improve my own technique. I can only imagine how I can keep my eyes open considering I would be coming from a no-sleeping party the previous night. My Saturday afternoon would be spent buying groceries and preparing something for Sunday's get-together with my cousins, nieces and nephew. We would be celebrating my 1st cousin Ching's birthday. In the afternoon we will pay a visit to the zoo which we planned as a treat for the little ones-- Adrian (8), Mariz (2 yrs 6 mos) and Leeann (1 yr 9 mos).

Wish me luck this hectic weekend! It's yours truly, signing out.


Blogger Markus Ezekiel Caidoy said...

it's always nice to see a new entry!
happy weekend!

Friday, March 18, 2005 1:06:00 PM  

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