Monday, March 28, 2005

Cool Easter

2 days off due to the Lenten season + the weekend that followed gave me 4 days of rest and relaxation. It was a welcomed holiday as I had a very hectic week before this-- blame it on the phenomenon called month-end-meets-quarter-end-workload! It seems everything has to be done before that period ends. So you could just feel the relief these past 4 days brought me.

During weekdays, I:
a) don't get enough sleep
b) am too tired to watch TV after work
c) can only play with my niece during mornings
d) rarely cook, and
e) eat less

If I continue doing these, I could lose the extra fats (hmm...tempting) but it could affect my health. On the other hand, here was my holiday routine--

1) slept
2) watched TV/VCDs
3) spent quality time with my niece
4) cooked, and
5) ate

And I did those "A LOT!" during the holiday. I considered these luxuries in this day and age.

And to top it all, I celebrated Easter Sunday with my boyfriend and niece with a dip in the swimming pool. It was my niece's first time to swim in a pool; she's only 2yrs and 7 mos old. At first she was so excited especially when she wore her swimsuit. But as we were walking beside the pool, she suddenly felt otherwise. It took quite a lot of convincing before she went in with me. I felt her tight embrace round my neck while I made sure she felt safe enough to enjoy the moment. It was a very short moment though, as I didn't want her to catch a cold. Funny, we were so happy she got over her fright of the "big" pool that we forgot to capture the precious swimming moment with a photo. The only souvenir we got was a picture of her standing straight just beside the pool with a somewhat frightened smile on her lips. I was so happy for her that I bought her a medium-sized inflatable kiddie pool!

Oh what a joy little children are...they make us smile and remind us to see the world through a child's eyes. Only then shall we find beauty and happiness, which we think are so out-of-reach due to our lack of time, work and worries about the future. To everyone, happy Easter!


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