Friday, March 18, 2005


Listening to music is somewhat like reading a book. It brings you to where you would not normally go. It brings out emotions in you that you don't otherwise feel.

Today I'm listening (again!) to Salsa music, all of which are in a foreign language. I just thought of writing something about it as I realized something happens to me everytime I hear this collection. I 've almost memorized the lyrics (considering I don't speak this language, hihihi!) and I sing out loud to my enjoyment. I don't understand the words but they sure sound great when sung. Not a note do I waste when singing along with each song. Not even the instrumental portion is spared. Parapap-pap-pap...Tengteng tereng tengteng tereng!

If only you could hear them play now, you'd love to listen and even dance to them. If you're too shy to dance, you might not be able to resist tapping your feet at least, moving your head and shoulders, or swaying your torso...Ten....terererereren! Bamboleo!


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