Thursday, March 31, 2005

On My Love Seat

Pink describes what I'm feeling today...I'm happy and today is just perfect to me...guess why? It's my and my boyfriend's 3rd anniversary together.

3 years is quite long and by that time, you've seen not only your partner's good but also not-so-good traits (and he probably has noticed yours, too, hehehe) and still accept him as he is. You no longer just see the wonderful things-- you see the real person and you start to consider if he is the one you are finally going to grow old with. I've known several relationships that didn't last as long. Many people from these relationships tell me that I have to be careful by the time the relationship turned more than 2 and a half years...that there is some kind of "bad" thing about it. I don't see the logic behind this as couples could be together 3 months but end up happily married or they could be together 9 years yet still break up. There is no time factor involved to enable one to foresee what would happen to partners. I believe the "length and strength" of a relationship depends on the 2 individuals because they make the choice to whether stay in the relationship or not. If they don't then it wasn't really meant to be. If they are still going strong, it just shows that both are willing to commit to the relationship, "invest" in it (as some would put it) and make it grow.

Hearing about long relationships that didn't end up in marriage makes me sad and I could only imagine how hard it must be for both the persons involved. It's true that when you love someone, you risk a lot. However, you also gain a lot from the experience. On the other hand, if the persons are really meant for each other, then all the risks are worth it after all! To all those whose relationships have been strong, treasure & keep it. For those that are still blossoming, nurture it. For those who are not yet in relationships, may you find "The One".