Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Another Blogger

Just when I have almost given up, I found one. Yes, I did!

Although I know and invited lots, most were not as interested, others were hesitant, and the rest just didn't have the extra time to spend on it. I am talking about another "writer" who is very interested (you could see the look on her face!) in blogging and may have the time to update it. She accidentally saw me creating a new post and asked what I was doing and when she knew I was blogging, her eyes lit up with curiousity that I became as enthusiastic as her! I let her create her own blog then and we exchanged addresses so we could link our blogspots with each other.

I was really glad to know someone finally tried what I had been trying to share to friends! Till now, I have only been hoping against hope that at least one of them would take the time to do this. Guys out there that I have invited, I hope you create your own blogs now so we can update each other with the latest in our lives. To Maan, welcome to the blogging world. I look forward to reading your posts, so happy blogging!


Blogger Maecey said...

so...uhm... what's the look on my face? hahaha!

Thanks, Gigs for telling me about this blogspots! You changed my life! (aside from those audits this quarter... hehehe : ))

Actually, I've created another blog. Pretty much an "opinion blog"...well, you'll see the link in my profile...

...err, check it maybe next week. I'm just getting pumped up.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 11:32:00 PM  

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