Friday, June 03, 2005

Looking Back

At last I'm back from hibernation and this post shall be a summary of what has happened to me in the last few weeks. My friends might be wondering where in the world I've been but guys, here goes: I've

*been busy at work (that's old news...)
*been to my dentist's clinic twice (since my last post) for adjustments and tooth extraction
*been having lunch and snack breaks with my friend, Chewie, and our "kumare", Jhoanna

*been preparing for and co-organizing a summer outing
*finally gone to Pansol, Laguna for an outing with friends and their families (t'was a blast!)
*lazed around the house on weekends

*gone out with friends a few times for videoke, salsa dancing, window shopping or dining
*gone to a Malate club to dance with salsamates and meet new acquaintances

Tonight I'm all set for another night out with my salsamates. Not sure yet if it's gonna be a videoke night, a salsa night or, who knows, even both! What I'm sure of is that, it's gonna be another fun-filled night. ;-)

So now as I look back at my so-called "busy" life, I was actually just too lazy to type away on my keyboard or even take a peek can you now forgive me?


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