Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Excited! (Torn, Part 2)

Got a call from my sister (my niece's mom). She's coming home to the Philippines! So I hurried myself (every second counts), noting down all the flight details while listening to her dictate them to me through the cellphone. I was thinking then to myself how I was going to leave the office to fetch her at the airport on time without having to file even the shortest leave.

After our conversation, I realized I had 2 options: (1) come to office by 6am so I could leave early, too. But I don't think I can make it that early considering I am now so used to waking up late!; (2) come in around 7am, though I have to file a 2-hr leave (yeah, possible here). I don't like this option as I am currently preserving what's left of my Vacation Leave credits for the year so i could have a long vacation in October. Flashes of what's in store for me on this vacation came to my mind--attend a Boracay wedding and spend 3days-2nights there; on to Roxas City and nearby tourist spots; on to Sara to visit relatives; on to Iloilo City for some shopping and to meet friends--no, I cannot choose the latter option.

Day b4 arrival: Got a text message, "I'll call you. Change of plan."

Oh my, what change did she mean? Maybe I wasn't so happy about my options and maybe I was thinking that the change might be that the time of arrival would be moved a few hours later...hmmm...that's why I wasn't able to come in by 6am or even 7am. Then I got the call, which confirmed that, indeed, the flight's arrival moved a few hours later. Wow! I felt like I could see the future or something, hehehe...At least this became a Win-Win situation for us. The change happened indeed and I didn't need to adjust my work schedule for this change. Now, all I am feeling is excitement!

Then came the hour of arrival--See next post for the details, though. (Suspense, huh?)


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