Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The June Gathering

It was coined The June Gathering. It was planned a month ago and got postponed twice. First, when Chewie (and her hubby, Joey) couldn't possibly attend as they might be gone for a vacation during that week and second, when the rest aren't available the week after that. It was tentatively set either on June 17 or 18. But nobody suggested another date and that only meant 1 thing: everybody was just too busy. (I couldn't find another word as commonly used these days!) So I didn't think it would push through. Then out of the blue, Dhonx texted (that's a rare occurence) an invitation (an even rarer occurence!) to a dinner somewhere in the heart of Makati. At last, the June gathering will no longer be a myth after all.

"I hav somthng 4 u u wud dfinitly like!", she added.

Now that line made me think what I and the rest of the guys would really like. Last week Dhonx & I met at a local billiard & bowling centre. That's when I knew she joined her company's billiard tournament that week. Her group must have won first place! That's one reason. But what's that got to do with us? Maybe their prize is a P3,000-worth of gift check to a local restaurant that we frequent. That's another good reason. Hmmm...what else could be very appealing to us, I wondered. Aha! I couldn't find a possible reason, but Flower might be in town. Flower (as we fondly call her) and Dhonx are best friends, who used to be roommates too when Flower was still working here in Makati. Presently, she lives and works in Iloilo. I'm sure the rest of the group would love to be surprised with her presence! These were my 3 best guesses and I couldn't help but text these to Dhonx. But her only reply was:

"Yes we won 1st place. As 4 ur other Qs, I'll answer them tom."

Though I didn't get enough info from her, I was glad one of my guesses was true. And at that moment, I didn't want to spoil the surprise. And so came the next day. Rolly & I went to Italianis, where the group decided to have dinner. As we were nearing the glass walls of the resto, I saw them walking towards a bigger table and then I thought I saw Teray, another batchmate of ours, who is getting married in October. But as we got closer, all I could say was, "Just as I thought!". Getting seated were Dhonx, Twinkle and ---- Flower! Shouts of joy reverberated inside the resto as the surprise finally unfolded. And amidst the joyful uproar, we gave each other the usual "beso-beso" and immediately started catching up on the latest news.

A few minutes later came Chewie & Joey, who both were truly surprised as neither suspected it was Flower Dhonx was referring to in her message. While dinner was being served we talked endlessly about all sorts of topics. We lost track of time as the conversations got better and funnier by the minute. Laughter filled our table, on which all that remained were glasses of water! It was such a wonderful dinner with friends who couldn't resist a surprise and another merry gathering.


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