Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blue Day

This week marks the start of our daily overtime work, which means 12 hours at work for 2 weeks! At first I thought this was going to be wonderful (financially, that is). However, after just 2 days of working for 12 straight hours (or even more as the need arose), it's getting quite unnerving. Not to mention the added physical and mental exhaustion apart from the usual stress one gets from a 9-5 job (more like 9-til-you-drop job, ugh!).

Early this morning I was up earlier than usual and went about my morning rituals (that includes watching cartoon movies with my niece-- especially the never-ending Land Before Time series starring Little Foot). However, when I was walking towards the low-rise elevators at our office's building, I suddenly felt faint. Just like what people would feel when they've had too much to drink. All I could do was stamp my feet as I walked and slightly pull my hair, as if trying to wake myself up from this bad daydream. It helped, mind you. My eyes and body didn't yield to fainting.

Luckily I reached my workstation and rested my head on my desk for a few moments. That didn't really help much. I tried to eat my Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich thinking it's either hunger or low blood sugar. I sniffed some Chinese balm/ointment and it helped too. It didn't really disappear as suddenly as it came but at least it gradually waned later in the day. I still don't know what brought it on, I just hope it was just hunger and lack of sleep. Now I really need to take some vitamins to increase my resistance. That said, wish me luck on my 2-week work overload.

My talk with my boyfriend on the phone only resulted to disagreement. To avoid further emotional damage to either or both of us, I decided to end the conversation so we could let off steam by ourselves and talk later when we're both back to our "normal" modes. Work did a fine job at helping me forget about it (so there's a good side to it, huh?).

Today was just...blah.


Blogger Markus Ezekiel Caidoy said...

work helped you forget about "it"... what/who is "it"?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 8:16:00 AM  
Blogger Giggle said...

I meant the LQ...hehehe
Good thing I feel good today na!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 10:40:00 AM  

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