Friday, July 01, 2005

Friday Sickness (or Madness?)

It's Friday and I should be happy, right? It means the end of the work week and start of night life. It means rest and relaxation. The list of great things it promises is endless. For a corporate slave this is like Summer season to a student, only it's handed out in installments of 2-day weekends (speaking in terms of a Filipino system of "tingi-tingi").

Yet in the midst of all these possibilities for the coming weekend, my whole being didn't seem to jibe with it early today. I felt sick- just imagine being out in the street under the heat of the sun at midday, sweating and waiting for a taxi. As I got on one, I learned from the driver that he'll try to see if we can pass through Ayala, as there was a rally being organized there. I thought, "Huh? Ain't this a bad timing?!". And indeed, even before we got to Buendia, the road was already blocked; no vehicles were allowed to get through. I alighted and walked all the way to the office 2 blocks away (this is exactly why I chose to ride the taxi in the first place)!

By the time I reached the office, my tummy wasn't cooperating either. I felt bloated, like my stomach's empty except for water. I couldn't concentrate on my work as I was constantly looking for ways to rid myself of this discomfort. I ate thinking I'm just hungry but it didn't work. I tried ways to bring myself to burp hoping it would bring relief. Add to that the news of overtime work on Saturday, yep, that's tomorrow...that means one day less relaxation for me. I have thought of relaxing at home tomorrow and meet my friend Twinkle in the late afternoon (that is, if her schedule permits it). Good thing the overtime work is optional; that's a consolation.

Finally I found relief after drinking 2 cups of hot green tea sans anything else. But then a few hours were already wasted, tsk, tsk. Yet now that I'm all pumped up again, I'm kinda thinking of that extra money I'm gonna earn work or not to work? Hmmm, I guess, I'll be at the office again tomorrow. I've got nothing to lose anyway (except that portion of overtime pay that goes to taxes, hmmmph!). What's appealing is the fact that I can choose to work up to 9 hours or just 5 hours and then have the rest of the day to spend as I want to!

I'm glad I'm feeling better, what a nice way to end the day, huh? Happy weekend! :-D


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