Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Abundance, Come Hither!

Today is quite a good day for me. I'm past all the crap I got yesterday (well, not really all. I still have to iron out that petty argument with the bf). Last night, or rather early this morning at 2am, I told myself to really rest well so I will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. Though there was no drum roll or anything grand that happened to signal my waking up, it was great, nonetheless. I felt I had a good night's sleep and had been fully energized. I forgot to go out the front door, look up at the skies and, with open arms, exclaim, "Good morning, Universe! I am for you and you are for me. Today, let me have abundance!", although I have planned to do so. Okay, okay...minus the go-out-the-front-door-and-look-at-the-skies part.

Last month, I attended this free company-sponsored Abundance workshop. At first, I didn't mind the invitation but when I read the speaker's CV, I decided to try and see for myself what this is all about. Anyway, it was offered for free and in case it proved to be a great workshop, I will have learned things/ideas that could help me. I didn't know how but I tried it anyway.

During the 1st hour, I thought this was going to be a talk on Karma, which has been so linked with negative things. The speaker did touch on Karma but, as the workshop progressed, what captured my attention was the thing about Dharma, which he said is kind of the opposite of Karma. When you do good deeds to others, you offset the bad/negative things (Karma) you've accumulated and you invite more good things to come your way, too. All the positive things we receive make our lives more abundant. The universe has enough abundance to offer each and everyone of us.

I also learned of the link between persons and the universe. Because of this connectivity, abundance flows through every person. This flow should be encouraged and not disturbed in order for abundance to flow freely in one's life. Anything positive promotes the flow and anything negative does otherwise. That's the ideal situation. In reality though, the flow is disturbed too much as not all persons realize that there is enough abundance for everyone. They are too busy looking at what the others have and what they don't have.

All these is just how I have understood the concepts shared in the workshop. It has given me a tinge of hope for the future and a positive outlook in life. Just attending the workshop, however, does not assure greater abundance. It is invited in life through the good that we do. We should live life in such a way that we attract abundance. It is what the universe has to offer us. I think the speaker used the term 'universe' so the workshop could be shared with everyone regardless of religious beliefs. I pondered on what I had learned that day and equated the universe with God, who, for me, is the source of all hope, strength and blessings. Or let me say, the source of Abundance. We may possibly look at it differently but what's important is we believe in something good and, in doing good we also receive what is good.

Want to start living abundantly? Now open your hands, reach out to the skies and, all together now, say "Abundance, abundance, abundance!". :-)


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