Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bits of Yesterday

Finished Harry Potter Book 6 on Friday night (earlier than I expected)

Went to Robinson's in Manila with my sis & niece. We planned to watch Fantastic 4 as this would have been the first time my niece steps into a movie theater but there was no discount for toddlers (we expected that my niece, only 2yrs & 9mos, might possibly get scared inside and would force us out of the theater--thank you PhP330.00!) so it didn't push through

Watched Ella Enchanted on VCD and it was such a funny and nice movie about a girl who was given the gift of "Obedience"

Went to Glorieta activity center where my sis & I let Riz play among the other kids. She climbed on the web of rope, took her turn in the slide and rode the rocking horses. She had so much fun we had trouble drawing her attention away from the area

Headed to Landmark and my sis bought new toys for Riz. It was past 8pm when we went home but Riz was so excited with her new kitchen set & doll that she played with them as soon as we reached home. I was also very excited about dressing up her doll that I started and finished making a blouse & pants set (It's either because I am really so interested in fashion design and dressmaking or I just haven't outgrown my 'doll days')

Had to start my laundry (a BIG pile, FYI) or else pay for someone else to do it for me. So I decided to split it-- one half for the laundromat (not the self-service type) and the other half for me. My half is almost done and the other will be ready by tomorrow

So that's how my weekend turned out. Wish you had a fun one, too!


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