Friday, July 22, 2005

A Good Read

The last time I posted here (July 16), it was the day Harry Potter Book 6 (The Half-Blood Prince) was first released here in Manila. Though I am an avid fan of this children's book series, I was not able to line up at the mall where some celebration was going on, as I was on overtime work that Saturday. Not that I would have really gone if I had the time to myself. I was just happy enough to wait for a friend to buy the book, to read it and so I could borrow and read it, too. I have resolved to buy the books in the future and ensure that I have the complete set. I am not particular as to them being hardbound or not. As long as I have copies later on, that would be enough to make me happy.

At the moment, I don't have a single copy of any of the volumes released so far but I've read them all (except for this last one, I'm already on Chapter 20 in roughly 2 days). The story of this latest installment is just gripping I couldn't wait to see what's going to happen next. A page-turner for short. What I really like about this whole Harry Potter series other than the stories themselves is that they were told so nicely that humor, sadness, mystery and fear all intertwine to make this the sensation that it is! I don't like telling anybody what I had read for I don't want to spoil the suspense/surprise nor do I want anybody telling me in advance what happens next in the book. The sense of discovery from chapter to chapter makes reading them even more enjoyable.

So everyday I come home and settle on the bed for a nice long read, which extends up to the wee hours of the morning. I feel my eyes bulging from too much reading and I still would not stop until I fear my eyes would almost pop out. My throat would become so arid it hurt and I had to keep a full glass of water beside me. Luckily, my migraine has been good enough not to visit me, as it fondly would every time I strain my eyes (imagine 8 hours facing the computer at the office and then reading for another 3-6 hours after work)!

But who am I to complain? I love reading (although I take it to such extreme as above)! I'm sure I would finish the book by Saturday night. After that, maybe we could sit down, talk and relive our favorite scenes/chapters. ;-)

Happy weekend!


Blogger Markus Ezekiel Caidoy said...

ei! I just finished reading HP6 (pirated)...huhuhuhu

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:36:00 AM  
Blogger Giggle said...

Me, too! And earlier than I've even anticipated. I might read it again and this time, true copy na, hehehe (pirated din yung nabasa ko eh...)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 2:06:00 PM  

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