Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Send In The Poet

I like writing poems but I mostly kept them to myself. I've written some in my elementary years but they have been lost...forgotten. Not a copy left anywhere. I didn't really mind because I didn't think they were special or anything. Just a regular poem about regular things with rhymes in it.

When I lived away from my parents in my college years, I used to write to them in the form of...yes, a poem. Sometimes, I would include some funny lines in there to make them smile. I would also write poems for friends on special occasions, that is, if I feel the urge to write one.

I've only written several poems and the subjects range from the most trivial things to those inspired by some sad situation or very strong emotions on a life event. Most of them I kept to myself. They became just an outlet for me, a way to express in writing what I could not say. But now, I realized these shouldn't be kept but rather, shared. And so, I've decided to post a poem I just made...


Like leaves falling
from the trees
That's what I'm feeling
I'm down on my knees

When a ray of light
caught my sight
I hesitated
Is this the end? I cried

A voice I heard
Neither near nor far
I stood; my legs trembled
There I am now, to where you are

Your light reached me
Painted my dark corner
It's not the end
I can start over

Stay with me, I begged
Shadows follow me
Your light is dimming
Once again I'm on my knee

As I looked down
Only then did I see
A glowing candle
Beside me

You have not left me
But in the darkness I will not stay
I know you are with me
To light my way

For those who feel they have nothing left or who are depressed, may you keep your candles burning to keep you going. Don't let your problems blow out that last candle. As they say, when you are down, there is no other way but up. May you be inspired by this poem and may you conquer your difficulties.


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