Saturday, July 09, 2005

What A Relief!

Aaaaah, at last! 1 week of overtime work is finished and 1 more week to go! Although I have been feeling so tired and faint this past week, I overcame it and was able to finish my set quota of reports to finish each day. This Saturday I even surprised my own self by exceeding my usual rate (1 report/hour) producing 11 in 5 hours, which is double our required weekday rate!

Oh well, I can attribute that to only 1 factor. It's Saturday (not a regular workday) and all I get to do is finish as much reports as I can and nothing else. No additoinal tasks. As opposed to my weekday load, other than to review/amend these reports, I still have to answer queries raised by analysts at certain times during the whole day. The bulk cannot be determined per day, as analysts may drop by anytime they have questions on a particular report they are updating. It may include some investigation and a discussion of the case until a temporary or final resolution can be arrived at.

On top of that, there are these documented queries which cannot be resolved immediately and needs to be reviewed thoroughly. Though I may receive only a maximum of 4 in a month, this takes more time and sometimes, if it cannot be resolved locally, it needs to be forwarded to our overseas counterparts. When this happens, the data to be forwarded should have the relevant information, should be accurate and concise. Then a resolution may be expected within 24 hours.

Include around 1 and a half hours of lunch break. The extra half hour will need to be repaid after office hours, as lunch should only be for 1 hour (no need to remind me of this as I usually stay on for more than that).

Now that I am done with the day's work, I have to go so I will experience going home at 7pm (haven't experienced that in, like...6 weeks? hahaha! I'm going crazy. Oh I forgot, I already am crazy. Hope the next week will see me through changes in my schedule).

Happy weekend!


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