Thursday, July 14, 2005

BIG Lunch

It was 8am when I woke up to my cellphone's message tone. It was from Chewie, informing me that Dhonx texted her early this morning to invite us for lunch today.

If you had been following my posts here, an invitation from Dhonx should not be ignored as she is one of the busiest persons I know (aside from Twinkle, Shawie, Flower, Mickay...okay the list goes on). So I confirmed my attendance and went back to sleeping (again!).

At 12noon, Chewie and I met and waited at Shell-Maya gas station where Dhonx will be picking us up after her client meeting. We headed straight to Brothers' Burger at Rockwell PowerPlant Mall. Dhonx took care of our orders and even our bill, yehey! Chewie and I were only too willing to accept it. No more arguments, we definitely loved it!

As we settled down waiting for our food, I handed Dhonx the brown envelop containing the 1-month-in-the-making 4-page "wardrobe enhancement" document that Chewie
and I offered her (which she gladly accepted then, if I may add) in our June Gathering. She carefully looked over each design I sketched for her with Chewie adding comments on each one, as to the colors and other matching possibilities. Then we began munching on our Big Brothers Burgers and Chili Fries. They were so yummy! I made a mental note: I would definitely come back here in the future.

As usual, talking didn't ruin our appetite. In fact, it fuelled it even more. The more we talked, the more we ate with no care in the world about the food's calorie-count or the possibility of additional inches in the midsection. And in a matter of less than an hour, no leftover can be found (except, of course, for the remains of the ketchup-mayo dip). That's how tasty and delicious our food was. So satisfying we forgot to invite Shawie, whose office is just 2 blocks away! (Sorry, Shawie!)

A repeat is inevitable.


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