Saturday, August 06, 2005

Rainy Saturday

This is the 2nd Saturday of overtime work. I finished 12 reports in 5 hours (not bad considering our quota should be 1 report/hr) but I only came in at 2pm only as I got infected with "laziness" that morning. Before going to work I dropped by at the Sta. Ana Church to know their business hours as my sister has finally decided to get our parents a crypt in the church. She wanted to transact this today at the church's office but it was still closed at that time. I suggested she should see the ossuary first and choose which crypt she'd prefer for mama and papa.

The ossuary houses around 900 crypts up to 8 rows high and 10 columns in 1 U-shaped section. There are several sections within and an altar at far end of the room. Uniform cylindrical vases are available for each crypt, which has a built-in vase holder at the upper left corner of its marble square cover. No candles were allowed inside as the room is air-conditioned. However, candle holders are available just outside the wrought iron gate. I haven't been there since January, when our eldest sister and I went there to see the place.

It was drizzling since morning so my sister wasn't able to visit the ossuary that afternoon. We decided to postpone the visit and transaction till next morning, as the church's office is closed on Sunday afternoons. Rolly also called to say he was coming over to visit me (despite the rain) so we could have some 'alone' time. We don't get that too often these days as our only common day off, that's Sunday, is usually spent mall hopping and dining with my sister and niece (and sometimes, with our cousin Jo Ann).

By 7pm, we were off to Glorieta but we haven't decided yet on whether we'll watch a movie and bring in some take out food or forget the movie and just have dinner. We chose the latter so we can also go home early. There was no longer a Don Henrico's branch at Glorieta so my next choice was Chef d'Angelo, which offers pasta, pizza, chicken, salads and desserts--a more or less one-stop-shop for us. I ordered Spaghetti Puttanesca while Rolly chose a Sampler of chicken, pizza and salad. We savored the food, talked and sat there satisfied. We didn't have any other plans so we just dropped by some shops and walked leisurely around the mall. Then we walked to a Starbucks branch at 6750 to buy a Tall Rhumba Frappuccino. From there, we headed straight to my home.


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