Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Today's Highlights

After my 'gimik' the previous night, I could not get myself to sleep, although I needed it badly. It was 5am when I last looked at the clock and suddenly, I was already awake at 9am! However, I tried my best to get out of bed and resisted the urge to curl up with my pillows.

As I was leaving, I remembered I've really wanted some major change in my hair color since the weekend. I decided to drop by a nearby salon where I usually get my hair cut and my toenails cleaned and polished. As I have posted, I am sporting a new layered haircut but I felt there's still something missing. At the salon, I asked the owner and a hair stylist (both gays and beautiful at that!) for some advice as to what color would be appropriate for my hair, although I'd like it to be of a 'Brown' shade. There were so many hues to choose from that I had to ask for their help. They both decided on a deep brown color that was dark enough for my (as if) 'conservative' taste and light enough to be noticeable. I told them I'll decide later if I'd like some highlights to go with it.

And so I was there sitting on the chair flipping through the pages of a hair magazine while the hair stylist worked on my hair. After almost an hour, I saw that the color was just right. It was nearly the same as what I imagined. Then I decided to try, for the first time, some highlights. They chose a blonde color but told me I could decide to stop the setting period at any time if I think I've found the right lightness I wanted for my highlights. And so after a few more minutes under the 'steam' machine (I don't know what it is called), I told them it was enough. I didn't want it to go any tint lighter than it already was at that time. The part where they were about to reveal the outcome was quite suspenseful. I was afraid my hair color and the highlights' color would not match or blend well. But I was quite satisfied with what I saw. My hair looked more fuller and it had some attitude now, thanks to the highlights. As my hair stylist said, "Ang taray ha!"

Then I was off to the office feeling good about myself and excited at the thought that some of my friends at work would be surprised to see my new look, as I never told anybody I was planning this major change. I dropped by to see Gail, who was so surprised to see me that she could not speak at first but started laughing her head off! I thought she didn't like it, that I might have looked very funny to elicit such a reaction. She told me later, she thought my hair color was nice and just laughed because she didn't expect it was me, what with my new light brown tuft of hair kind of glowing under the yellowish gleam of the office lighting. A positive comment coming from a friend was enough validation for me.

I guess, those were the highlights of my day! :)


Blogger Markus Ezekiel Caidoy said...

inggit ako sa new look mo

Thursday, August 04, 2005 2:33:00 PM  
Blogger Giggle said...

Pakulay ka rin girl, tapos pa-picture tayo, hehehe...

Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:07:00 PM  

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