Thursday, July 28, 2005

Early Bird

I was up early today (what with my sister waving a few inches from my face making hand signals that it's 6am)! It was quite a chilly morning and I couldn't get myself out of bed yet...the call of the soft and comfortable pillows is just too difficult to resist. By 6:45, I had to drag my butt off the bed so I could come to work early (so I could also go home early later today). It helped that the smell of bacon and sausages that my sister was cooking was so inviting. Hmmm...what a great way to start the day!

So after bathing, dressing and preparing my breakfast (to go), I was on my way to work. I feel a sense of achievement as I have been trying so hard lately to wake up earlier than usual (usual waking hour: between 9-10am) and I've done that. I just hope I could keep this up. I've always wanted to wake up early as it has a few advantages than coming to work around 10 or 11am. For one, my niece is still asleep so I can go about dressing up and putting my things together (I change my bags, almost daily, to match my outfit) without us having to play tug-of-war with my things before I could stash them into my bag-for-the-day. Also, traveling time is cut by at least half if I commute before 8am. Less people are trying to get to work at that time and less vehicles are on the streets. It takes me 45min to get to work at 10am (except if I take a cab) but at 7:45am it only takes me 10-15min! Moreover, I get off early and still see some daylight. That's something I've missed in the last month or so.

Have a great day!


Blogger Giggle said...

Hi Barbara, thanks for dropping me an inspiring note. That'll keep me blogging for sure! :-)

Saturday, July 30, 2005 12:25:00 PM  

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