Tuesday, August 02, 2005

An Invite On A Weeknight

Mobile phone beeped at 1pm.

Message: "Are you free tonight?"
Reply: "Yes, but I'm off at 9pm."

I have been receiving similar invitations from a friend to meet up at some bar or cafe in Malate and I have turned down most of them. This time though, I was quite decided on going out.

When I awoke this morning, I was so glad I didn't feel any more pain in my teeth or jaws. Yesterday I went to my dentist and it turned out that my 4 upper front teeth needed to be pushed inwards, which meant a thicker wire and a tighter adjustment (very tight, mind you, that tears rolled down my cheeks as the dentist kept tightening the wire! No wonder 'M' also cried when she had to undergo this; click the link for related post). Feeling relieved, I dressed up and wanting to look better, I wore my new pair of bronze-colored dangling earrings. I was also sporting a new shoulder-length layered haircut (light brown highlights to follow) that gives my hair a fuller look. With a final look at the mirror, I told myself that if I get an invite today, I would not think twice in accepting it.

And so it was settled. I would meet up with Freda at 9:30pm wherever she and Vernie might be by that time. Unlike the usual gimik we have, tonight I don't really expect or even want to go salsa dancing (although I'm not totally discounting it, hehehe). Just a simple get together of friends, talking over a cup of coffee, would be fine.


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