Monday, August 08, 2005

Sunday Deal & Pig Out Sessions

My sister, Mimi, and I woke up late today because we slept late and more so because of the weather--cold, rainy and dreary.

We hurriedly readied ourselves and Mariz so we could arrive at the church's office before it closes for the day. The 'Close' sign was already in place at the office door. However, the guard on duty told us they had just hung that sign and someone must still be in there. Indeed, a lady was still at the counter and so we expressed our interest in leasing a crypt at the ossuary. She gave us the sketches of the sections and indicated which ones have already been taken and those that are still available.

I was so surprised that there was not much left! In our last visit in January, not even a third of the whole ossuary was occupied. We didn't expect that in a span of about 6 months it would turn out like this. It's either so many people must have died within that time or maybe some people must have already leased the crypts for future use (which is not too improbable these days, what with the rising funeral costs). Most of those still available are located on the 2 highest rows, which, for me, is not convenient considering we are a vertically-challenged family. Left with no other choice though, we selected one that was on the 2nd to the highest row at Section VI. After checking it out at the ossuary, my sister signed the 50-year lease contract for the crypt. We then scheduled papa & mama's interment at 4pm on August 10, which is papa's birthday (he would have been 76 years old).

That done, we went to Max's Restaurant. What was previously planned as a snack turned into a heavy lunch with Pancit Canton, Half Family-sized Fried Chicken, Sinigang na Tiyan ng Bangus, Rice and drinks. I was so full I just wanted to lay down and rest, which we did when we got home. I couldn't even bring myself to eat some Mr. Donut Smidgets that we bought 'to go'. Later, my sister went to a local internet cafe to update her CV and so I was left at home looking after Rolly and Mariz.

When Ate Mimi arrived, she decided we go to Makati Square and asked where we might have some dinner. I suggested Shakey's, to which she willingly agreed. So off we went to Plaza Fair first to buy Mariz some school supplies (she's not yet going to school but she frequently speaks of it; I don't think she knows what really goes on in a school yet, but she got the idea of going to one from a neighbor and playmate). I bought her new toys- a cellphone and a beauty kit which included a hair dryer, hair clips and curlers, rings, a brush and comb, perfume and lipstick. She's quite a 'Kikay'; very fond of such things that she's always wide-eyed and curious whenever she sees me putting on my lipstick, combing my hair or dressing up for work.

The dinner at Shakey's consisted of 2 orders of Pizza, Pasta & Potatoes, a serving of spaghetti, a loaf of garlic bread and a basket of Mojos with Caeser dressing. Every few forkfuls were downed with Bottomless Iced Tea or soda and every last bit was not wasted. The plates were clean in no time! And again, I was so full I could hardly stand up (that's what you get for weekend binging!).

And so another weekend was over...(darn!)


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