Tuesday, December 20, 2005


September 2005...(nothing much happened)

Okay, I was up to my neck with work. This month marked the end of the 3rd quarter and that can only mean I had to finish my quota. And I did! Thank God.

October 2005...(nothing much happened, either)

Oh well, I did get the cash bonus for the work I did in 3rd quarter. Where did I spend it? See next entry.

November 2005

In the first 2 weeks of this month, I had to finish some work and made sure that everything at work was going smoothly (no queries left unanswered, no issues left undiscussed and no compulsory online courses left untaken). That was because I was going on a 2-week vacation in the Provinces of Iloilo (my hometown) and Capiz (the boyfriend's hometown)! This was a long delayed plan of ours. We've planned to do this together since 2003, then 2004 but both were cancelled. This year, it was supposed to be in October, in time for my friend Teray's wedding (& reception) in Boracay. However, it got postponed as most of her siblings were out of the country. It could have been our first time to step on the white sands of Boracay!

So we decided to push through with the vacation even if there was no wedding to attend. Only, Boracay was no longer included in our itinerary. Anyhow, we had a fun and memorable vacation spending time with his family, my relatives & close friends.

December 2005

We came back to Manila on 30-Nov and I was already feeling the onset of a fever. I was supposed to come back to work the next day but I was still with fever & dry cough (which lasted around 2 weeks! My, my, my...I thought I won't recover from it but thank God, I did.

As for my Christmas & New Year celebrations, I'll save that for my next post. ;)


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