Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"Happy Trip!"

Today is Gail's last day at the office. Oh no, she has not resigned or anything. She is scheduled to fly to Germany tomorrow to attend the World Youth Day 2005, not as a delegate but as a volunteer. She'll be with others who have offered their assistance to make this global event a success.

For our lunch, I wasn't able to bring anything. Jory informed me he'll be bringing some pasta so I thought of adding some bread and/or dessert. This was planned as a sort of going-away party (with only the 3 of us). I did buy a loaf of wheat bread and 20 Country Style assorted donut bits while Gail bought 3 sodas. It's been awhile since we last had merienda or lunch together. Gail is on AM shift and busy attending to important matters before her departure. Jory is on an 11-8pm shift and has little time now to visit us at the 20th floor. I, on the otherhand, am on a flexible shift coming in at hours between 10am-2pm. I have come to call it 'irregular' shift everytime somebody asks me, "By the way, what's your shift?".

We didn't have our usual energy today as Gail was having 'butterflies' in her stomach. It must be her growing excitement and anticipation for the trip, which would keep her from the office for more than 10 days. She ate half-heartedly and talked less. Jory wasn't as talkative either. I was just too hungry all I could do was eat and ask a question to break the silence.

We would surely miss you, Gail...have a safe & happy trip, God bless and take care of yourself (don't go running after cute German guys, ok? ;-D Just kidding, lol)!


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