Wednesday, December 28, 2005

'Tis The Season

"Tis the season to be jolly, fah-la-la-la-lah, la-la-la-lah!"

I could't help singing a Christmas carol especially whenever the holidays are fast approaching. I get caught up in the hullabaloo that signals the start of this wonderful time each year~ gift giving, attending mini Christmas parties, rush-shopping, planning & preparing Noche Buena, opening gifts and even last-minute house cleaning (but I didn't do this last one, you'll see why).

Yes, I confess I am guilty of these season-induced activities. I did try, but I wasn't able to buy gifts in advance. I still did some last-minute grocery shopping. But believe me, nothing beats the adrenaline rush you'd experience trying to search for the goods on your grocery list and praying at the same time that they're not yet sold out and the most nerve-racking is finding the shortest queue at the supermarket! This year, these are just the half of it. The more tension-filled half came when I had to rush home and made sure we were all packed coz we still had to go to Malabon at a cousin's house where we agreed to spend Christmas Eve. At 6pm, no taxi would accept this long drive from Makati! My sister's face was a picture of desperation-&-anger-combined-but-trying-so-hard-not-to-verbalize-it (imagine that). And I, the guilty sister, was trying so hard to appease her by alternately hailing taxis and calling MGE office for any taxi nearby willing to take us to Malabon. At last, Rolly got us a taxi and we finally reached our destination.

We brought spaghetti, a loaf of bread, fruit salad, a box of brownies and the gifts for the 3 kids- my niece Mariz (3) and her 2nd cousins, siblings Adrian (8) & Leeann (2). My cousin Ching2 prepared pancit bihon, grilled liempo and fried chicken. We had a sumptuous dinner and the bingeing continued until the clock struck midnight.

Merry Christmas!


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