Saturday, July 30, 2005

Overtime Over and Over

Another work week has ended, or so I thought. We are in for another round of overtime work. This time, it's not in 4-hour installments per weekday but 3 Saturdays (8 hours each) at least! So let me take advantage of this few minutes of free time to update this blog.

After 2 weeks of overtime work in early July, we had another project but I didn't volunteer for that one (good thing it wasn't compulsory and only 5 people were needed for it). Now comes another clean-up project (compulsory this time) that needs to be done over and above our normal review responsibilities. Looking at it at the bright side, this is such a great opportunity! Imagine a constant flow of reasons to get paid in addition to one's regular wage. What project would be next in line? These are what we've come to call as "earning opportunities" (or "pagkakakitaan"). The drawback is that too much work brings on a feeling of nausea, not because I'm just tensed but because I'm pushed almost to my saturation point. Come on, I'd like a breather!

Maybe I'm just overworked. Maybe I just lack some sleep. Maybe I'm just fed up. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm 'all of the above'.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Early Bird

I was up early today (what with my sister waving a few inches from my face making hand signals that it's 6am)! It was quite a chilly morning and I couldn't get myself out of bed yet...the call of the soft and comfortable pillows is just too difficult to resist. By 6:45, I had to drag my butt off the bed so I could come to work early (so I could also go home early later today). It helped that the smell of bacon and sausages that my sister was cooking was so inviting. Hmmm...what a great way to start the day!

So after bathing, dressing and preparing my breakfast (to go), I was on my way to work. I feel a sense of achievement as I have been trying so hard lately to wake up earlier than usual (usual waking hour: between 9-10am) and I've done that. I just hope I could keep this up. I've always wanted to wake up early as it has a few advantages than coming to work around 10 or 11am. For one, my niece is still asleep so I can go about dressing up and putting my things together (I change my bags, almost daily, to match my outfit) without us having to play tug-of-war with my things before I could stash them into my bag-for-the-day. Also, traveling time is cut by at least half if I commute before 8am. Less people are trying to get to work at that time and less vehicles are on the streets. It takes me 45min to get to work at 10am (except if I take a cab) but at 7:45am it only takes me 10-15min! Moreover, I get off early and still see some daylight. That's something I've missed in the last month or so.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bits of Yesterday

Finished Harry Potter Book 6 on Friday night (earlier than I expected)

Went to Robinson's in Manila with my sis & niece. We planned to watch Fantastic 4 as this would have been the first time my niece steps into a movie theater but there was no discount for toddlers (we expected that my niece, only 2yrs & 9mos, might possibly get scared inside and would force us out of the theater--thank you PhP330.00!) so it didn't push through

Watched Ella Enchanted on VCD and it was such a funny and nice movie about a girl who was given the gift of "Obedience"

Went to Glorieta activity center where my sis & I let Riz play among the other kids. She climbed on the web of rope, took her turn in the slide and rode the rocking horses. She had so much fun we had trouble drawing her attention away from the area

Headed to Landmark and my sis bought new toys for Riz. It was past 8pm when we went home but Riz was so excited with her new kitchen set & doll that she played with them as soon as we reached home. I was also very excited about dressing up her doll that I started and finished making a blouse & pants set (It's either because I am really so interested in fashion design and dressmaking or I just haven't outgrown my 'doll days')

Had to start my laundry (a BIG pile, FYI) or else pay for someone else to do it for me. So I decided to split it-- one half for the laundromat (not the self-service type) and the other half for me. My half is almost done and the other will be ready by tomorrow

So that's how my weekend turned out. Wish you had a fun one, too!

Friday, July 22, 2005

A Good Read

The last time I posted here (July 16), it was the day Harry Potter Book 6 (The Half-Blood Prince) was first released here in Manila. Though I am an avid fan of this children's book series, I was not able to line up at the mall where some celebration was going on, as I was on overtime work that Saturday. Not that I would have really gone if I had the time to myself. I was just happy enough to wait for a friend to buy the book, to read it and so I could borrow and read it, too. I have resolved to buy the books in the future and ensure that I have the complete set. I am not particular as to them being hardbound or not. As long as I have copies later on, that would be enough to make me happy.

At the moment, I don't have a single copy of any of the volumes released so far but I've read them all (except for this last one, I'm already on Chapter 20 in roughly 2 days). The story of this latest installment is just gripping I couldn't wait to see what's going to happen next. A page-turner for short. What I really like about this whole Harry Potter series other than the stories themselves is that they were told so nicely that humor, sadness, mystery and fear all intertwine to make this the sensation that it is! I don't like telling anybody what I had read for I don't want to spoil the suspense/surprise nor do I want anybody telling me in advance what happens next in the book. The sense of discovery from chapter to chapter makes reading them even more enjoyable.

So everyday I come home and settle on the bed for a nice long read, which extends up to the wee hours of the morning. I feel my eyes bulging from too much reading and I still would not stop until I fear my eyes would almost pop out. My throat would become so arid it hurt and I had to keep a full glass of water beside me. Luckily, my migraine has been good enough not to visit me, as it fondly would every time I strain my eyes (imagine 8 hours facing the computer at the office and then reading for another 3-6 hours after work)!

But who am I to complain? I love reading (although I take it to such extreme as above)! I'm sure I would finish the book by Saturday night. After that, maybe we could sit down, talk and relive our favorite scenes/chapters. ;-)

Happy weekend!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tricky Wiki

Today I was surfing the Internet and found out about wikis. I like reading about and learning new things so I didn't pass this chance up. Simply put, wikis are just websites. What sets them apart from the others is the fact that information on them can be edited anytime and by just about anyone in the world who has access to it! Editing includes adding, deleting and/or correcting the data. I'm not sure how long wikis have been in existence but their main underlying concept sure is new to me.

One example is
Wikipedia, which now ranks as one of the top websites today. Anything on this site has been changed or edited somehow and the question is whether the information you are reading from this site may be considered reliable. That was the first question that popped into my head. Reading more about it, I found out that every change made on a particular data is being logged and so incorrect or even biased additions can be easily detected and corrected again. So in a day, you could just imagine how many times the data swings from its original form to an elaborated one, then to a revised one or to an incorrect one and then back to the revised one, and so on!

Certain data could be disputed and "editors" (I just called them that to easily describe them here) may, at times, not come to a compromise as to how the data should read or how the picture should be placed (now how trivial is that?). They call these "edit wars", ha! (so, there is such a thing as this!) I also learned that as a result of these edit wars, the page/data/picture under dispute would end up being protected (but later lifted for another round of editing). How can its vulnerability to pornography and vandalism be addressed, you may ask. Every amendment sends a signal to interested parties so it is acted upon immediately. These interested parties, readers, "editors", writers or contributors all make up the "wiki community", which is responsible for the overall image of their wiki and its contents.

Ok, I haven't tried this out yet. The farthest I got was viewing the main page, clicking on some links and reading interesting stuff. Why don't you check it out? :)

Friday, July 15, 2005

Havana Night

Don't you just love surprises and unplanned 'Gimiks'? Well I got both just tonight. Freda dropped by at the office without notice and we talked for a while until we thought of going on a night out. Why not? I will be off in 5 minutes! We invited Vernie and we got a positive reply. So it's Havana Night tonight!

Happy weekend, everyone!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

BIG Lunch

It was 8am when I woke up to my cellphone's message tone. It was from Chewie, informing me that Dhonx texted her early this morning to invite us for lunch today.

If you had been following my posts here, an invitation from Dhonx should not be ignored as she is one of the busiest persons I know (aside from Twinkle, Shawie, Flower, Mickay...okay the list goes on). So I confirmed my attendance and went back to sleeping (again!).

At 12noon, Chewie and I met and waited at Shell-Maya gas station where Dhonx will be picking us up after her client meeting. We headed straight to Brothers' Burger at Rockwell PowerPlant Mall. Dhonx took care of our orders and even our bill, yehey! Chewie and I were only too willing to accept it. No more arguments, we definitely loved it!

As we settled down waiting for our food, I handed Dhonx the brown envelop containing the 1-month-in-the-making 4-page "wardrobe enhancement" document that Chewie
and I offered her (which she gladly accepted then, if I may add) in our June Gathering. She carefully looked over each design I sketched for her with Chewie adding comments on each one, as to the colors and other matching possibilities. Then we began munching on our Big Brothers Burgers and Chili Fries. They were so yummy! I made a mental note: I would definitely come back here in the future.

As usual, talking didn't ruin our appetite. In fact, it fuelled it even more. The more we talked, the more we ate with no care in the world about the food's calorie-count or the possibility of additional inches in the midsection. And in a matter of less than an hour, no leftover can be found (except, of course, for the remains of the ketchup-mayo dip). That's how tasty and delicious our food was. So satisfying we forgot to invite Shawie, whose office is just 2 blocks away! (Sorry, Shawie!)

A repeat is inevitable.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Send In The Poet

I like writing poems but I mostly kept them to myself. I've written some in my elementary years but they have been lost...forgotten. Not a copy left anywhere. I didn't really mind because I didn't think they were special or anything. Just a regular poem about regular things with rhymes in it.

When I lived away from my parents in my college years, I used to write to them in the form of...yes, a poem. Sometimes, I would include some funny lines in there to make them smile. I would also write poems for friends on special occasions, that is, if I feel the urge to write one.

I've only written several poems and the subjects range from the most trivial things to those inspired by some sad situation or very strong emotions on a life event. Most of them I kept to myself. They became just an outlet for me, a way to express in writing what I could not say. But now, I realized these shouldn't be kept but rather, shared. And so, I've decided to post a poem I just made...


Like leaves falling
from the trees
That's what I'm feeling
I'm down on my knees

When a ray of light
caught my sight
I hesitated
Is this the end? I cried

A voice I heard
Neither near nor far
I stood; my legs trembled
There I am now, to where you are

Your light reached me
Painted my dark corner
It's not the end
I can start over

Stay with me, I begged
Shadows follow me
Your light is dimming
Once again I'm on my knee

As I looked down
Only then did I see
A glowing candle
Beside me

You have not left me
But in the darkness I will not stay
I know you are with me
To light my way

For those who feel they have nothing left or who are depressed, may you keep your candles burning to keep you going. Don't let your problems blow out that last candle. As they say, when you are down, there is no other way but up. May you be inspired by this poem and may you conquer your difficulties.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

What A Relief!

Aaaaah, at last! 1 week of overtime work is finished and 1 more week to go! Although I have been feeling so tired and faint this past week, I overcame it and was able to finish my set quota of reports to finish each day. This Saturday I even surprised my own self by exceeding my usual rate (1 report/hour) producing 11 in 5 hours, which is double our required weekday rate!

Oh well, I can attribute that to only 1 factor. It's Saturday (not a regular workday) and all I get to do is finish as much reports as I can and nothing else. No additoinal tasks. As opposed to my weekday load, other than to review/amend these reports, I still have to answer queries raised by analysts at certain times during the whole day. The bulk cannot be determined per day, as analysts may drop by anytime they have questions on a particular report they are updating. It may include some investigation and a discussion of the case until a temporary or final resolution can be arrived at.

On top of that, there are these documented queries which cannot be resolved immediately and needs to be reviewed thoroughly. Though I may receive only a maximum of 4 in a month, this takes more time and sometimes, if it cannot be resolved locally, it needs to be forwarded to our overseas counterparts. When this happens, the data to be forwarded should have the relevant information, should be accurate and concise. Then a resolution may be expected within 24 hours.

Include around 1 and a half hours of lunch break. The extra half hour will need to be repaid after office hours, as lunch should only be for 1 hour (no need to remind me of this as I usually stay on for more than that).

Now that I am done with the day's work, I have to go so I will experience going home at 7pm (haven't experienced that in, like...6 weeks? hahaha! I'm going crazy. Oh I forgot, I already am crazy. Hope the next week will see me through changes in my schedule).

Happy weekend!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Abundance, Come Hither!

Today is quite a good day for me. I'm past all the crap I got yesterday (well, not really all. I still have to iron out that petty argument with the bf). Last night, or rather early this morning at 2am, I told myself to really rest well so I will wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. Though there was no drum roll or anything grand that happened to signal my waking up, it was great, nonetheless. I felt I had a good night's sleep and had been fully energized. I forgot to go out the front door, look up at the skies and, with open arms, exclaim, "Good morning, Universe! I am for you and you are for me. Today, let me have abundance!", although I have planned to do so. Okay, okay...minus the go-out-the-front-door-and-look-at-the-skies part.

Last month, I attended this free company-sponsored Abundance workshop. At first, I didn't mind the invitation but when I read the speaker's CV, I decided to try and see for myself what this is all about. Anyway, it was offered for free and in case it proved to be a great workshop, I will have learned things/ideas that could help me. I didn't know how but I tried it anyway.

During the 1st hour, I thought this was going to be a talk on Karma, which has been so linked with negative things. The speaker did touch on Karma but, as the workshop progressed, what captured my attention was the thing about Dharma, which he said is kind of the opposite of Karma. When you do good deeds to others, you offset the bad/negative things (Karma) you've accumulated and you invite more good things to come your way, too. All the positive things we receive make our lives more abundant. The universe has enough abundance to offer each and everyone of us.

I also learned of the link between persons and the universe. Because of this connectivity, abundance flows through every person. This flow should be encouraged and not disturbed in order for abundance to flow freely in one's life. Anything positive promotes the flow and anything negative does otherwise. That's the ideal situation. In reality though, the flow is disturbed too much as not all persons realize that there is enough abundance for everyone. They are too busy looking at what the others have and what they don't have.

All these is just how I have understood the concepts shared in the workshop. It has given me a tinge of hope for the future and a positive outlook in life. Just attending the workshop, however, does not assure greater abundance. It is invited in life through the good that we do. We should live life in such a way that we attract abundance. It is what the universe has to offer us. I think the speaker used the term 'universe' so the workshop could be shared with everyone regardless of religious beliefs. I pondered on what I had learned that day and equated the universe with God, who, for me, is the source of all hope, strength and blessings. Or let me say, the source of Abundance. We may possibly look at it differently but what's important is we believe in something good and, in doing good we also receive what is good.

Want to start living abundantly? Now open your hands, reach out to the skies and, all together now, say "Abundance, abundance, abundance!". :-)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blue Day

This week marks the start of our daily overtime work, which means 12 hours at work for 2 weeks! At first I thought this was going to be wonderful (financially, that is). However, after just 2 days of working for 12 straight hours (or even more as the need arose), it's getting quite unnerving. Not to mention the added physical and mental exhaustion apart from the usual stress one gets from a 9-5 job (more like 9-til-you-drop job, ugh!).

Early this morning I was up earlier than usual and went about my morning rituals (that includes watching cartoon movies with my niece-- especially the never-ending Land Before Time series starring Little Foot). However, when I was walking towards the low-rise elevators at our office's building, I suddenly felt faint. Just like what people would feel when they've had too much to drink. All I could do was stamp my feet as I walked and slightly pull my hair, as if trying to wake myself up from this bad daydream. It helped, mind you. My eyes and body didn't yield to fainting.

Luckily I reached my workstation and rested my head on my desk for a few moments. That didn't really help much. I tried to eat my Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich thinking it's either hunger or low blood sugar. I sniffed some Chinese balm/ointment and it helped too. It didn't really disappear as suddenly as it came but at least it gradually waned later in the day. I still don't know what brought it on, I just hope it was just hunger and lack of sleep. Now I really need to take some vitamins to increase my resistance. That said, wish me luck on my 2-week work overload.

My talk with my boyfriend on the phone only resulted to disagreement. To avoid further emotional damage to either or both of us, I decided to end the conversation so we could let off steam by ourselves and talk later when we're both back to our "normal" modes. Work did a fine job at helping me forget about it (so there's a good side to it, huh?).

Today was just...blah.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Friday Sickness (or Madness?)

It's Friday and I should be happy, right? It means the end of the work week and start of night life. It means rest and relaxation. The list of great things it promises is endless. For a corporate slave this is like Summer season to a student, only it's handed out in installments of 2-day weekends (speaking in terms of a Filipino system of "tingi-tingi").

Yet in the midst of all these possibilities for the coming weekend, my whole being didn't seem to jibe with it early today. I felt sick- just imagine being out in the street under the heat of the sun at midday, sweating and waiting for a taxi. As I got on one, I learned from the driver that he'll try to see if we can pass through Ayala, as there was a rally being organized there. I thought, "Huh? Ain't this a bad timing?!". And indeed, even before we got to Buendia, the road was already blocked; no vehicles were allowed to get through. I alighted and walked all the way to the office 2 blocks away (this is exactly why I chose to ride the taxi in the first place)!

By the time I reached the office, my tummy wasn't cooperating either. I felt bloated, like my stomach's empty except for water. I couldn't concentrate on my work as I was constantly looking for ways to rid myself of this discomfort. I ate thinking I'm just hungry but it didn't work. I tried ways to bring myself to burp hoping it would bring relief. Add to that the news of overtime work on Saturday, yep, that's tomorrow...that means one day less relaxation for me. I have thought of relaxing at home tomorrow and meet my friend Twinkle in the late afternoon (that is, if her schedule permits it). Good thing the overtime work is optional; that's a consolation.

Finally I found relief after drinking 2 cups of hot green tea sans anything else. But then a few hours were already wasted, tsk, tsk. Yet now that I'm all pumped up again, I'm kinda thinking of that extra money I'm gonna earn work or not to work? Hmmm, I guess, I'll be at the office again tomorrow. I've got nothing to lose anyway (except that portion of overtime pay that goes to taxes, hmmmph!). What's appealing is the fact that I can choose to work up to 9 hours or just 5 hours and then have the rest of the day to spend as I want to!

I'm glad I'm feeling better, what a nice way to end the day, huh? Happy weekend! :-D

Metal Mouth Misery

Yesterday I went to my orthodontist for my 7th(?) adjustment. It was my 5th month on braces and my bill is now half paid (thank you, God!). This time I'm wearing blue-green elastics, I've been meaning to wear these 2 adjustments ago because they look kind of cool and not too flashy.

Upon initial inspection, Doc said only about a millimeter gap on my upper right teeth remained, which he will have to close before he starts pushing my 4 upper front teeth inwards. That is scheduled on my next adjustment (2 weeks from now) to totally close the remaining large gaps. By then, the upper wire will have to be replaced with a thicker one with several coils. "It even made M* cry when we installed it last time", he added. He was talking about a common acquaintance of ours who is also under his dental treatment. Though I feel I have a high tolerance for pain, I took it as a warning so I might be ready when my turn comes.

The whole day after that, I felt the pain on my upper front teeth as they were being pressed together from 1 bracket to another by elastics, as opposed to the usual adjustment of 1 elastic to 1 bracket. I'm sure it wasn't just psychological, even after hearing the warning from Doc. I couldn't bite using my front teeth; nor could I push them with my tongue. I could barely press my lips together tightly without feeling some pain. Heck, I could even feel the pain without touching them or moving my mouth! Oh well, as they say, no-pain-no-gain.